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Caustic Soda Producers in Iran: Processes and Differences

Caustic Soda Producers in Iran: Processes and Differences

by hossien moshiri
caustic soda producers in Iran

Caustic soda flakes (NaOH) are vital in many industries, such as paper manufacturing, water purification, and chemical industries. In Iran, two types of producers are involved in the production of caustic soda flakes. The first group produces caustic soda through the electrolysis of salt. The second group buys liquid caustic soda from companies like Arvand Petrochemical Company, which is the largest liquid caustic soda producer in Iran. These producers then convert the liquid form into flakes. Below is a detailed explanation of each group’s processes.

This group produces caustic soda flakes by using the electrolysis process. In this process, they pass electric current through salt brine (NaCl), producing caustic soda, chlorine gas, and hydrogen gas. The liquid caustic soda produced then goes through a concentration process, where it is converted into flakes.

Companies such as Chloran Chemical Production Company, Niroo Chlor Company, Pars Chlorine Company, and Shushtar Petrochemical Company belong to this group. They have the advantage of being independent in pricing and production due to their electrolyzers. These companies can adjust their caustic soda flakes prices based on product availability and the sales of other products. They also invest heavily in quality, avoiding the risk of brand damage through low-quality production.

Although their pricing is partly influenced by the price of liquid caustic soda on the Commodity Exchange, set by Arvand Petrochemical, they retain control over their production methods and pricing strategies.

  1. Electrolysis of Salt: The company uses electrolyzers to split saltwater into liquid caustic soda, chlorine, and hydrogen.
  2. Concentration: The liquid caustic soda undergoes concentration through evaporation to remove excess water.
  3. Conversion to Flakes: The concentrated liquid caustic soda is then cooled and converted into flakes.
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The second group of producers purchases liquid caustic soda from Arvand Petrochemical or other suppliers. These companies do not have their own electrolyzers, so they rely on external producers. Arvand Petrochemical is the largest supplier of liquid caustic soda in Iran, and its pricing significantly affects this group of producers.

These companies follow a simpler process where they convert purchased liquid caustic soda into flakes. They rely heavily on the price and availability of liquid caustic soda from external suppliers, mainly Arvand Petrochemical. Any fluctuations in the price of liquid caustic soda influence the final price of the flakes they produce.

  1. Receiving Liquid Caustic Soda: The company buys and stores liquid caustic soda from suppliers like Arvand Petrochemical.
  2. Concentration: They concentrate the liquid caustic soda by evaporating the excess water.
  3. Flaking: After concentration, the caustic soda is cooled and processed into flakes.

Producers with electrolyzers have more control over pricing and production. They adjust prices based on their inventory and other factors. On the other hand, producers dependent on Arvand Petrochemical are more vulnerable to external factors like price fluctuations of liquid caustic soda. Despite these differences, both groups aim to maintain high-quality production to avoid damaging their brand reputation.

Caustic soda flakes production in Iran is split between two types of producers. One group has electrolyzers and produces caustic soda from salt, while the other group buys liquid caustic soda from suppliers like Arvand Petrochemical. Both groups are essential in meeting domestic and international demand for caustic soda flakes. Despite the differences in production methods, each group plays a critical role in the Iranian and global chemical markets.

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